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Employee Of The Month

Employee satisfaction and workplace happiness can be achieved by promoting awards such as the employee of the month. Such award programs encourage the employees to enhance their productivity and work effectively. The selection criteria depend on two main aspects – quality of work and attitude towards work. Some of the other factors that help in deciding the best employee of the month include performance, quality, attendance, and a couple of other factors from the previous month depending on the role of the employee.

employee of the month


1. Create Employee of the month on portal

2. Set employee

3. Set month and year

4. Put the title

5. Put the description

6. Print A4 certificate you can post in office, restaurant, shop

The employee of the month will be sent by email to employees. They will also receive a Telegram message and mobile notification. When they launch Weladee mobile they will see a red alert about Employee Of The Month.

employee of the month